Omah Lay serenades us in the ‘Holy Ghost’

Clearly, there is something about Omah Lay’s music that, like magic, leaves one in awe. Each song and sound possesses the ability to break through inhibitions, easing gently into one’s being and nesting in the soul. Thus, all who listen cannot help but fall hopelessly and utterly in love.

In June of this year, Omah Lay treated his listeners to a deluxe version of his debut album, “Boy Alone.” It was a roaring success, providing hot hits like “Reason” and “Joanna” that held positions in the top 10 of music charts across the country for weeks. Since then, fans waited patiently for something new, something fresh and spicy, for the hunger of a lover of music is never truly sated. Omah Lay, knowing this, has delivered unto us once again a feast for our ears.
“See music brooo🥹…” “Omah Lay is not human ❤️…” “We need an album…” These reactions came from listeners in reaction to the release of his new track “Holy Ghost,” a song he had teased in a concert he held in the UK earlier this month. The song immediately shook the internet upon its release and took its place as number one on Nigeria’s Apple Music playlist less than 24 hours after its release!
An amazing song with an exciting yet ethereal vibe and a structure filled with choruses and hooks—it’s not surprising how it nibbles its way into your brain, lingering long after you’ve heard the song.
To truly understand, there’s only one thing to do.